Cover of: Monographien zur Gotteslehre (Teil 2)
Ernstpeter Maurer

Monographien zur Gotteslehre (Teil 2)

Section: Forschungsberichte
Volume 90 (2025) / Issue 1, pp. 22-56 (35)
Published 04.03.2025
DOI 10.1628/thr-2025-0003
Published in German.
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  • 10.1628/thr-2025-0003
The second part of the article reflects some aspects emerging within the doctrine of God. Divine agency is not conceivable in objective terms and propositions, rather, it is experienced as the transcendent dimension of human self-consciousness. However, this alternative seems too narrow.Wemust not understand the classical predicates of God as objective concepts: »omnipotence« does not imply total determination, »freedom« does not imply indeterminism. Above all, divine power is revealed in the passion and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The biblical story exposes characteristic tensions and leads toamulti-dimensional language, including an immanent criticism of religion in general. Theology as ontology may converge with philosophy, on the other hand it transcends metaphysical thought. The concept of divine personality is beyond theism and panentheism and leads to a relational ontology of the divine and the human person. In this ontology, substance and relation tend to fall into each other.
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