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Cover of: Moral Cost, Commitment, and Committee Size
Kai A. Konrad, Steffen Huck

Moral Cost, Commitment, and Committee Size

Section: Articles
Volume 161 (2005) / Issue 4, pp. 575-588 (14)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/093245605775075924
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  • 10.1628/093245605775075924
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Consider a committee that in the past has made a promise not to confiscate the profits from an investor. After the investment has taken place, there is a material benefit if the committee decides to default on the earlier promise. But in some situations there are also some small moral costs for those who vote in favor of default. For the symmetric equilibrium, for given benefits of default, time-consistent default can be ruled out for sufficiently large committees.