Cover of: Nachträgliche Lehrbeanstandung eines evangelischen Theologieprofessors
Joachim E. Christoph

Nachträgliche Lehrbeanstandung eines evangelischen Theologieprofessors

[Nachträgliche Lehrbeanstandung eines evangelischen Theologieprofessors. Zum Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 28. Oktober 2008 – 1 BvR 462/06 -]
Section: Articles
Volume 107 (2010) / Issue 4, pp. 505-531 (27)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435410793536169
  • article PDF
  • available
  • 10.1628/004435410793536169
In its decision dated 28 October 2008, the Federal Constitutional Court affirmed the constitutional admissibility of theological faculties. There are no constitutional misgivings about the transfer of a professor of theology within the faculty, a professor to whom the church objected after the fact, and also to a change in the professor's duties. In case of an amendment to the individual agreements between the Protestant church and the state, the regional churches should protect themselves against the legal consequences of such an objection in these agreements and in canon law.