Cover of: Präimplantationsdiagnostik, Überlegungen zur Begründung ihrer Ablehnung aus evangelischer Perspektive
Martin Hein

Präimplantationsdiagnostik, Überlegungen zur Begründung ihrer Ablehnung aus evangelischer Perspektive

[Präimplantationsdiagnostik,br' Überlegungen zur Begründung ihrer Ablehnung aus evangelischer Perspektive]
Section: Articles
Volume 109 (2012) / Issue 4, pp. 501-515 (15)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435412803973908
  • article PDF
  • available
  • 10.1628/004435412803973908
The allowance of preimplantation genetic diagnosis remains a controversial topic. Advocates of this as well as those who oppose it or at least are cautious about it are to be found in Protestant ethics. The reasons given for one's own position require the disclosure of one's own mode of thought. Referring to the understanding of »human identity« and »human dignity« and in view of a potential far-reaching impact on society, the author of this article argues against the use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis. He also drafts basic conditions for human cohabitation which could support doing without this.