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Cover of: Reading and Writing Remembrance in Canaan
Alice Mandell

Reading and Writing Remembrance in Canaan

Section: Articles
Volume 7 (2018) / Issue 2, pp. 253-284 (32)
Published 07.01.2019
DOI 10.1628/hebai-2018-0015
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  • 10.1628/hebai-2018-0015
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This paper aims to bridge the gap between the study of language and material culture in the study of Early Alphabetic inscriptions. I engage with recent writings in sociolinguistics, new literacy studies, and multimodality theory to address the ways in which the design, choice in script, and socio-cultural settings of ancient inscriptions informed their meaning. I address the use of the early alphabetic script on the Lachish Ewer and Kefar Veradim Bowl as a means of marking group membership.