Cover of: Rechtsbruch durch Verstoß gegen medienrechtliche Vorschriften
Jan Heinrich Schmitt-Mücke

Rechtsbruch durch Verstoß gegen medienrechtliche Vorschriften

Section: Dissertation
Volume 16 (2024) / Issue 3, pp. 388-413 (26)
Published 17.10.2024
DOI 10.1628/zge-2024-0021
Published in German.
The requirement that the press be independent of the state (»Gebot der Staatsferne der Presse«) is a concept derived from German constitutional law, stating that the press must be independent of the state. According to the jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), its breach is enforceable under competition law. This article carves out the frictions between this opinion and the dogmatics of competition law, showing alternative ways of enforcing the »Gebot der Staatsferne der Presse«. It is based on the authors in-depth study »Breach of Law through Violation of Media Law Regulations« (»Rechtsbruch durch Verstoß gegen medienrechtliche Vorschriften«), which examines the relation between competition law and media law regulations generally.