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Cover of: Redistributional Preference in Environmental Policy
Udo Ebert

Redistributional Preference in Environmental Policy

Section: Articles
Volume 63 (2007) / Issue 4, pp. 548-562 (15)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/001522107X269014
  • article PDF
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  • 10.1628/001522107X269014
The paper deals with distributional issues in environmental economics. It considers a single-good market under perfect competition and a negative externality. The decision-maker uses an emission standard or an emission tax, whose revenue is recycled. Under the assumption that she distinguishes between (the groups of) consumers and producers and favors one group, social welfare is measured by a weighted sum of consumer and producer surplus. The optimal levels of both instruments are derived and compared: They can differ. The interaction between distributional considerations and efficiency is discussed.