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Cover of: Russische Vermögenswerte für den Wiederaufbau der Ukraine?
Stefan Kadelbach, Paul Lorenz

Russische Vermögenswerte für den Wiederaufbau der Ukraine?

Section: Essays
Volume 78 (2023) / Issue 17, pp. 729-738 (10)
Published 29.08.2023
DOI 10.1628/jz-2023-0241
Published in German.
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  • 10.1628/jz-2023-0241
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In light of the immense damages caused by the Russian attack on Ukraine, the question is increasingly being raised whether Russian foreign assets seized in G7, EU and allied states can be used to settle Ukrainian reparation claims. This is, from a legal point of view, a complex question, which the article deals with from the perspectives of constitutional, EU and international law.