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Cover of: Tätige Freiheit Zur Aktualität des reformierten Freiheitsverständnisses
Martin Laube

Tätige Freiheit Zur Aktualität des reformierten Freiheitsverständnisses

Section: Articles
Volume 109 (2012) / Issue 3, pp. 337-359 (23)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435412802644049
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  • 10.1628/004435412802644049
Reformed Protestantism emphasizes the strong connection between faith and action. The background for this is the concept of unio cum Christo, interpreted in a specific manner. The believer finds himself included in the community of will with Christ and en couraged to do his will autonomously. Thus divine and human activity, »to be determined« and »self-determining«, are closely related. In his Church Dogmatics, Karl Barth decodes this interrelation as a dogmatic matter to deal with the contradictory experience of human freedom. In particular, his link between the doctrine of election and ethics can be reconstructed as an attempt to keep the interpenetration of ought and dare, authority and freedom present. As a result, Barth's theology can be understood as an example of dealing with the dialectic that constitutes the modern concept of freedom.