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Cover of: The Biblia Qumranica as a Synoptic Edition of the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls
Armin Lange

The Biblia Qumranica as a Synoptic Edition of the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls

Section: Articles
Volume 2 (2013) / Issue 1, pp. 17-37 (21)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/219222713X13663793700222
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  • 10.1628/219222713X13663793700222
The Biblia Qumranica aims to provide a tool for the comparative study of the biblical Dead Sea Scrolls. To that end, it provides a columnar synopsis of all biblical manuscripts found at Qumran and the other sites around the Dead Sea. In so doing, the Biblia Qumranica follows editorial interests and an editorial philosophy, which are different from though not opposed to the conception of other critical biblical editions. Before engaging with the Biblia Qumranica itself, I will discuss the editorial theories of some recent critical editions of the Hebrew Bible. At the end of this article, I will provide an example of how the Biblia Qumranica facilitates comparative textual analysis of biblical Dead Sea Scrolls.