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Cover of: The Changing Jackal Gods of Roman Egypt: Evidence from Karanis and Terenouthis
T. G. Wilfong

The Changing Jackal Gods of Roman Egypt: Evidence from Karanis and Terenouthis

Section: Articles
Volume 3 (2017) / Issue 3, pp. 298-317 (20)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/219944617X15014860816584
  • article PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY-SA 4.0
  • 10.1628/219944617X15014860816584
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Ancient Egyptian jackal gods survive as funerary deities into the Greco-Roman period, but undergo significant changes, illustrated by material from University of Michigan excavations at two sites. Artefacts from the excavation of the town of Karanis provide hints of the changing fortunes of jackal god cults in Roman Egypt, while funerary stelae from the excavations at Terenouthis show significant departures from the traditional iconography associated with these funerary gods.