Cover of: Theologie des Paulus 2001 - 2016: Gesamtdarstellungen und Lehrbücher
Paul-Gerhard Klumbies

Theologie des Paulus 2001 - 2016: Gesamtdarstellungen und Lehrbücher

Section: Forschungsberichte
Volume 83 (2018) / Issue 2, pp. 93-122 (30)
Published 07.02.2019
DOI 10.1628/thr-2018-0006
Published in German.
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  • 10.1628/thr-2018-0006
This review provides an overview of twenty monographs and textbooks on Paul and his theology. In these studies, both the influence of a more traditionally Lutheran Pauline exegesis and the so-called new perspective have an effect.On the whole, the preconditions framed by Johann Philipp Gabler in the 18th century continue to structure the debate. The paradigm of historical-critical exegesis still dominates the genre of »The Theology of Paul«. But we also notice a conservative roll-back with a progressive willingness to accept the Pauline authorship of almost all 13 letters attributed to the apostle.It remains to be seen whether this will open up space for historically uncritical approaches to currents that are inclined away from enlightenment
KRISTLIEB ADLOFF, Paulus - Prophet des Gottesreiches. Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2013, 125 S. - C. K. BARRETT, On Paul. Aspects of His Life, Work and Influence in the Early Church. T&T Clark, London/New York 2003, 250 S. - KLAUS BERGER, Paulus (C. H. Beck Wissen in der Beck'schen Reihe 2197). Verlag C. H. Beck, München 2002, 128 S. - EUGEN BISER, Paulus. Zeugnis - Begegnung - Wirkung. Wissenschaftliche Buchge-sellschaft, Darmstadt 2003, 303 S. - BREVARD S. CHILDS,TheChurch's Guide for Reading Paul. The Canonical Shaping of the Pauline Corpus. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge, U.K. 2008, 276 S. - BRUCE CHILTON, Rabbi Paul. An Intellectual Biography, Doubleday. New York u.a. 2004, 335 S. - JOHN DOMINIC CROSSAN /JONATHAN L. REED, In Search of Paul. How Jesus' Apostle Opposed Rome's Empire with God's Kingdom. A New Vision of Paul'sWords & World. SPCQ, London 2005, 450 S. - JÖRG FREY/BENJAMIN SCHLIEßER (HG.), Di