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Cover of: Theologie jenseits der Königsherrschaft
Reinhard Müller

Theologie jenseits der Königsherrschaft

[Theologie jenseits der Königsherrschaft Theologie jenseits der Königsherrschaft]
Section: Articles
Volume 104 (2007) / Issue 1, pp. 1-24 (24)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435407780034489
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  • 10.1628/004435407780034489
Old Testament criticism of kingship (Judg 8:22-23; 9; I Sam 8; 10:17ff; 2) does not originate in the early Israelite kingdom but after the downfall of the Judean kingdom. The original book of Judges and the narratives of I Sam 8 and 10:17ff demonstrate that Judaism initially regarded kingship as the culmination of its own history. However critical reflection of the traditions of history lead to the realization that kingship is a danger for Israel's existence and stands in the way of the immediate relationship between Yahweh and Israel.