Cover of: Transparenz des Todes?
Werner Thiede

Transparenz des Todes?

Section: Forschungsberichte
Volume 85 (2020) / Issue 3, pp. 248-301 (54)
Published 24.11.2020
DOI 10.1628/thr-2020-0015
Published in German.
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  • 10.1628/thr-2020-0015
International investigations into phenomena surrounding out-of-body experiences in real or supposed life-threatening situations, particularly investigations into phenomena pertaining to visions of the afterlife, have been conducted now for half a century. The resulting literature can barely be mastered. Here now, an overview is nevertheless offered, albeit one that does not make any claims to completeness. Rather, it is hoped that it will contribute to a better understanding of the subject, since no such overview appears to exist elsewhere. Firstly (I) this overview extends to the USA and secondly (II) to the German-speaking world. A lack of hermeneutic reflection still prevails, specifically as regards the individual's perception, but also as regards epistemological reflection in general. By eliminating this deficiency, a greater openness to the perception of neardeath research and a greater sensitivity for its potential and its problems in a theological and ecclesiastical context is strived for (III). Lastly, it is argued that Christian theology should increasingly introduce its own unique views on eschatological matters into the framework of thanatological discourse.
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