Cover of: Über den Begriff der Liebe zu Gott
Michael Beintker

Über den Begriff der Liebe zu Gott

Section: Articles
Volume 113 (2016) / Issue 1, pp. 59-77 (19)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435416X14531175128726
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  • 10.1628/004435416X14531175128726
This article examines what it means to love God »with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind« (Dtn 6,4; Mk 12,29). To achieve real, deep love for God, man must be guided and freed: God is loved only by God. The concept of love for God must neither be unilaterally desensualized nor unilaterally moralized. The strongest human feeling for God is joy at his existence. Human expressions of love for God correspond to the forms of love God loves with: highest creativity, deepest devotion, densest presence.