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Cover of: Use of the Amicus Curiae Brief in American Judicial Procedure in Comparative Perspective
David S. Clark

Use of the Amicus Curiae Brief in American Judicial Procedure in Comparative Perspective

Section: Focus
Volume 80 (2016) / Issue 2, pp. 327-371 (45)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/003372516X14583027726233
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  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 10.1628/003372516X14583027726233
The term amicus curiae in English means »friend of the court«. That, in itself, does not provide much guidance on what it is, how it is used, or what role it may serve in a particular judicial procedure. This article's title suggests it is associated with a court brief, and that is generally true today, but historically and even now occasionally, it may take the form of oral comment or argument. After briefly describing the history, development, and transplant of the amicus curiae to many jurisdictions, I will consider the functions it performs in United States judicial procedure, what analogous legal institutions it competes with, and how it might contribute to the judicial development of the law.