Petr Gallus
Vom Schauen über das Hassen bis zur Liebe
Published in German.
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- 10.1628/thr-2020-0022
The volume presents various texts on the topic, which were held as a thematical series of lectures organized by the Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Muenster at its 100th anniversary. Experts from various (mostly theological) disciplines approach the particular topics from various angles, each lecture is accompanied by a sermon as well. The variety of contributions offers many inspiring impulses for further elaboration of the discussed fundamental anthropological phenomena.
MICHAEL BEINTKER/HANS-PETER GROßHANS (Hg.), Menschliches - Allzumenschliches. Phänomene des Menschseins in den Horizonten theologischer Lebensdeutung. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2020, 399 S.
MICHAEL BEINTKER/HANS-PETER GROßHANS (Hg.), Menschliches - Allzumenschliches. Phänomene des Menschseins in den Horizonten theologischer Lebensdeutung. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2020, 399 S.