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Cover of: Wetten auf Gott? Die Wette des Blaise Pascal in religionsphilosophischer und theologischer Perspektive
Hans-Martin Rieger

Wetten auf Gott? Die Wette des Blaise Pascal in religionsphilosophischer und theologischer Perspektive

[Wetten auf Gott? Die Wette des Blaise Pascal in religionsphilosophischer und theologischer Perspektive Wetten auf Gott? Die Wette des Blaise Pascal in religionsphilosophischer und theologischer Perspektive]
Section: Articles
Volume 104 (2007) / Issue 1, pp. 84-116 (33)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435407780034461
  • article PDF
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  • 10.1628/004435407780034461
While Blaise Pascal's wager has been frequently discussed, this has yet to be placed in the context of Pascal's own theory, particularly his anthropological views and his theory of knowledge. The purpose of this article is to explore this aspect not only by discussing several religious and philosophical issues, but above all by defining the intention and scope of the wager. An analysis of the wager from a philosophical and theological perspective must therefore take into consideration the following conviction of Pascal: the goal of inspiring those people who have become indifferent to take up their search for God again cannot be attained without a means of expressing their religious faith through a set of shared practices.