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Cover of: Wie steht es mit der Sünde?
Petr Gallus

Wie steht es mit der Sünde?

Section: Forschungsberichte
Volume 88 (2023) / Issue 3, pp. 305-348 (44)
Published 08.09.2023
DOI 10.1628/thr-2023-0015
Published in German.
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  • 10.1628/thr-2023-0015
This second part of the large review of the current German speaking contributions to hamartiology focuses mainly on the Roman-Catholic debate, which deals with the question of the sinful church (J. Enxing), with the hereditary sin in the context of human freedom and of the current society (Deusner/Böttigheimer, Stinglhammer). To the topic belongs also the book by K. Huizing, who wants to abandon the concept of sin wholly because it is enough with sin by now. And also a collection of texts regarding the question of evil in the Classical German Philosophy, that thematically overlaps with the topic of sin to a large extent. At the end, the reviewer identifies five main and actual points that arise from the reviewed discussion and sketches shortly the direction of possible answers: the problem of the knowledge of sin in its whole depth, the difference and relation of sin and debt, the role of the christological perfectum of the cross, the ambiguity of existence as the fundamental form of corruptedness of all reality and the crucial and critical question of sin and freedom.
HERMANN STINGLHAMMER (Hg.), Sünde - was ist das? (Passauer Forum Theologie 2). Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet 2017, 140 S. - KLAAS HUIZING, Schluss mit Sünde! Warum wir eine neue Reformation brauchen. Hamburg: Kreuz Verlag 2017, 127 S. - JULIA ENXING, Schuld und Sünde (in) der Kirche. Eine systematisch-theologische Untersuchung. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald 2019, 322 S. - CHRISTOPH BÖTTIGHEIMER/RENÉ DAUSNER (Hg.), Die Erbsündenlehre in der modernen Freiheitsdebatte (Quaestiones Disputatae 316). Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder 2021, 432 S. - ANDREAS ARNDT/THURID BENDER (Hg.), Das Böse denken. Zum Problem des Bösen in der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie (Religion in Philosophy and Theology 111). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2021, 209 S.