In 2014, two biographies by Jürgen Kaube and Dirk Kaesler were published, which took Weber to court politically and personally. In the literature appearing since 2020, the Weber experts attempt to put this negative image into perspective and to understand it in the context of the respective time. Since the Max Weber Complete Edition is available, this current Weber literature shows that Weber's work is structured around central themes since its beginnings, above all by the universal historical perspective of describing European cultural development as processes of disenchantment and rationalization - an approach which has been criticized from the perspective of sociology of religion. Concerning the future of democracy from Weber's point of view, the literature is divided. Does the steelhard casing of bondage threaten us, or would Weber welcome the development of Europe after the Second World War?
Max Weber, Gelehrtenbriefe 1878-1920 - Ausgewählte Briefe 2, Hrsg. v. Rita Aldenhoff- Hübinger u. Edith Hanke, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020. 267 S.; Stefan Breuer, Max Weber in seiner Zeit - Politik, Ökonomie und Religion 1890- 1920, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022. 447 S.; Edith Hanke, Max Webers Sprache - Neue Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk, Kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien 21, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022. 205 S.; Hans Joas, Die Macht des Heiligen - Eine Alternative zur Geschichte von der Entzauberung, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2017. 543 S.; Dirk Kaesler, Max Weber - Preuße, Denker, Muttersohn. Eine Biographie, München: C. H. Beck, 2014. 1007 S.; Jürgen Kaube, Max Weber - Ein Leben zwischen den Epochen, Berlin: Rowohlt 2014. 495 S.; Klaus Lichtblau, Zur Aktualität von Max Weber - Einführung in sein Werk, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020, E-book. 248 S.; Hans-Peter Müller, Max Weber - Eine Spurensuche, Berlin: Surhkamp, 2020. 484 S.; Hans-Peter Müller, Krise
In 2014, two biographies by Jürgen Kaube and Dirk Kaesler were published, which took Weber to court politically and personally. In the literature appearing since 2020, the Weber experts attempt to put this negative image into perspective and to understand it in the context of the respective time. Since the Max Weber Complete Edition is available, this current Weber literature shows that Weber's work is structured around central themes since its beginnings, above all by the universal historical perspective of describing European cultural development as processes of disenchantment and rationalization - an approach which has been criticized from the perspective of sociology of religion. Concerning the future of democracy from Weber's point of view, the literature is divided. Does the steelhard casing of bondage threaten us, or would Weber welcome the development of Europe after the Second World War?
Max Weber, Gelehrtenbriefe 1878-1920 - Ausgewählte Briefe 2, Hrsg. v. Rita Aldenhoff- Hübinger u. Edith Hanke, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020. 267 S.; Stefan Breuer, Max Weber in seiner Zeit - Politik, Ökonomie und Religion 1890- 1920, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022. 447 S.; Edith Hanke, Max Webers Sprache - Neue Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk, Kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien 21, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022. 205 S.; Hans Joas, Die Macht des Heiligen - Eine Alternative zur Geschichte von der Entzauberung, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2017. 543 S.; Dirk Kaesler, Max Weber - Preuße, Denker, Muttersohn. Eine Biographie, München: C. H. Beck, 2014. 1007 S.; Jürgen Kaube, Max Weber - Ein Leben zwischen den Epochen, Berlin: Rowohlt 2014. 495 S.; Klaus Lichtblau, Zur Aktualität von Max Weber - Einführung in sein Werk, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020, E-book. 248 S.; Hans-Peter Müller, Max Weber - Eine Spurensuche, Berlin: Surhkamp, 2020. 484 S.; Hans-Peter Müller, Krise