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Alex Hon Ho Ip
A Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation of the Letter to Philemon in Light of the New Institutional Economics
An Exhortation to Transform a Master-Slave Economic Relationship into a Brotherly Loving Relationship
[Eine sozio-rhetorische Interpretation des Briefs des Paulus an Philemon im Licht der Neuen Institutionenökonomik. Eine Ermahnung, die ökonomische Beziehung zwischen Herrn und Sklaven in eine der brüderlichen Liebe zu verwandeln.]
2017. XVIII, 246 pages. Summary
Aided by a new institutional economics approach and socio-rhetorical interpretation, Alex Hon Ho Ip re-reads Philemon as a letter exhorting change in the master-slave relationship, from one of economic dominance to one of brotherly love.