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Studies in Judaism and Christianity in Conversation with Martha Himmelfarb
Edited by Ra'anan Boustan, David Frankfurter and Annette Yoshiko Reed
[Darüber, darunter, davor und danach. Studien zu Judentum und Christentum im Dialog mit Martha Himmelfarb.]
2023. VII, 540 pages.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-162520-6
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In dialogue with the work of Martha Himmelfarb, this volume explores the transmission and transformation of Jewish and Christian texts and traditions across languages, cultures, and religions. The contributions range widely, from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Hellenistic Judaism to Nag Hammadi literature and Jewish and Christian magic, and from classical rabbinic literature and patristic writings to Hekhalot literature and medieval midrashim.

Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism (TSAJ)