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Nicola Hegerfeld

Ärztliche Aufklärungs- und Informationspflichten

Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Qualität der Kodifizierung der § 630e und § 630c BGB
[The Physician's Obligation to Provide Information. A Discussion on the Quality of the Codification of the German Civil Code's § 630e and § 630c.]
2018. XXI, 538 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-156454-3
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Informed consent and its related issues are fundamental to the physician-patient-relationship. Nicola Hegerfeld's precise and detailed analysis of the legal framework setting out these duties reveals potential loopholes and offers suggestions for improvement.

Studien zum Privatrecht (StudPriv)