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After the Feudal Revolution

Power, Local Societies, and Change from the Tenth to Twelfth Centuries
Edited by Christoph Haack, Annette Grabowsky and Steffen Patzold
[Nach der feudalen Revolution. Macht, lokale Gesellschaften und Wandel vom zehnten bis zwölften Jahrhundert.]
2025. Approx. 270 pages.
forthcoming in March 2025
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-163672-1
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The Middle Ages are regarded as the age of knights and castles, a time of »feudal« violence and »feudal« lordship, while the early 11th century is regarded as the birthplace of this »feudal society«. The present volume opens a new perspective on the transformations of the 10th to 12th centuries.

Bedrohte Ordnungen (BedrO)