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Antioch II

The Many Faces of Antioch: Intellectual Exchange and Religious Diversity, CE 350-450
Edited by Silke-Petra Bergjan and Susanna Elm
[Antiochien. Die vielen Gesichter Antiochiens: Intellektueller Austausch und religiöse Vielfalt, 350-450 n.Chr.]
2018. XIII, 506 pages.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-155126-0
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This volume assembles state-of-the-art scholarship on Antioch, the most important fourth century imperial residence, from the perspective of ancient history, theology, Church history, and archaeology, including studies on Libanius, the emperor Julian, Ammianus Marcellinus, and John Chrysostom.

Civitatum Orbis MEditerranei Studia (COMES)