This volume focuses on a major theme running through Plato's writings: the nature and essence of time. Above all in Timaeus but also in other philosophical dialogues, Plato explores this theme and ponders how and whether time came into being. The contributions gathered here take a variety of philosophical and cosmological approaches, covering both ontological and ethical issues. Different stages of the philosophical reception and (critical) examination of Plato's conception of time are likewise discussed, with authors such as Philon of Alexandria, Plutarch, Numenius, Origen, Plotinus, Augustine, to the late qntique Neoplatonist Proclus encountered along the way.
This volume focuses on a major theme running through Plato's writings: the nature and essence of time. Above all in
Timaeus but also in other philosophical dialogues, Plato explores this theme and ponders how and whether time came into being. The contributions gathered here take a variety of philosophical and cosmological approaches, covering both ontological and ethical issues. Different stages of the philosophical reception and (critical) examination of Plato's conception of time are likewise discussed, with authors such as Philon of Alexandria, Plutarch, Numenius, Origen, Plotinus, Augustine, to the late antique Neoplatonist Proclus encountered along the way.
Table of contents:
Ernst A. Schmidt: Platons Theorie der Zeit im
Timaios -
Franco Ferrari Entstehung, Natur und Funktion der Zeit in Platons
Timaios -
Walter Mesch: Älter und jünger werden. Eine Schwierigkeit in Platons Zeittheorie -
Maren R. Niehoff: Philons und Origenes' Interpretation von Platons. Zeitvorstellung in
Timaeus 38b-d. Ein Plädoyer für zeitgenössische Kontextualisierung -
Francesco Caruso: The Essence of Time and The Beginning of the World. A Puzzle in Plutarch's Temporalism? -
Giacomo De Andreis/ Federico M. Petrucci: Numenius' Temporalist Cosmogony -
Lloyd P. Gerson: Living in Eternity -
Johannes Brachtendorf: Platonismus und Anti-Platonismus in Augustins Theorie der Zeit -
Antonio Vargas: The Older You Get, The Younger You Get: Making Sense of Proclus' Neoplatonic Interpretation of the Statesman Myth -
Carlos Steel: When Fate meets Providence. Proclus on Kairos -
Jan Opsomer: Time and the Intellect. Philoponus' Polemic against Aristotle, and Simplicius' Reply