Bürger-Ethos, politisches Engagement und die Bewahrung des Status Quo

Plutarch, Politische Ratschläge
Eingeleitet, übersetzt und mit interpretierenden Essays versehen von Frank Daubner, Vera Hofmann, Gustav Adolf Lehmann und Tobias Thum Herausgegeben von Gustav Adolf Lehmann
[Public Ethos, Political Engagement and Maintaining the Status Quo. Plutarch, Political Advice.]
2020. XII, 292 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-159100-6
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This volume offers a new translation and full commentary on Plutarch's essay Precepts of Statecraft (Praecepta gerendae rei publicae), written as a letter to a young Greek in Sardeis (Asia Minor), willing to embark on a career as a politician in his Roman-ruled native state. The accompanying essays elucidate the general contemporary situation in the Roman provinces of Achaea and Asia – especially by taking a close look at the epigraphical evidence – and the literary qualities of Plutarch's treatise.

Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam REligionemque pertinentia (SAPERE)