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Causa contractus
Auf der Suche nach den Bedingungen der Wirksamkeit des vertraglichen Willens / Alla ricerca delle condizioni di efficacia della volontà contrattuale / À la recherche des conditions de l'efficacité de la volonté contractuelle
Edited by Gregor Albers, Francesco Paolo Patti and Dorothée Perrouin-Verbe
[Causa Contractus. In Search of the Conditions for the Effectiveness of Contractual Intent. Student edition.]
2024. XX, 928 pages. Published in German.
European legal tradition uses the notion of causa or la cause both to identify a contract's underlying purpose and to address the reasons for its enforcement. By combining a historical analysis of the causa doctrine with comparative studies of various national systems, this volume seeks to promote a common understanding of Europe's legal heritage and to present proposals for its further development. Contributions are in German, French, Italian and English, summarized by introductory chapters in English.