This volume offers an introduction to the foundational issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR), an emerging field of research in company, accounting and capital market law. Taking questions of CSR in stock corporations, international standards, reporting obligations, the parent company's liability for violations of human rights by its foreign subsidiaries, employee participation, sustainable executive compensation, and the political engagement of companies, the contributions tap into the latest research in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
This volume offers an introduction to the foundational issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR), an emerging field of research in company, accounting and capital market law. Taking questions of CSR in stock corporations, international standards, reporting obligations, the parent company's liability for violations of human rights by its foreign subsidiaries, employee participation, sustainable executive compensation, and the political engagement of companies, the contributions tap into the latest research in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
Table of contents:
Holger Fleischer: Corporate Social Responsibility: Vermessung eines Forschungsfeldes aus rechtlicher Sicht -
Daniel M. Häusermann: Corporate Social Responsibility: Aktienrechtliche Grundfragen und Zweck des Gesellschaftsrechts -
Eva Micheler: Corporate Social Responsibility: Gesellschaftstheoretische Überlegungen -
Petra Buck-Heeb: Internationale Regel- und Standardsetzung im Bereich Corporate Social Responsibility -
Sebastian Mock: Berichterstattung über Corporate Social Responsibility im Bilanzrecht -
Andreas Bohrer: Die Haftung schweizerischer Unternehmen für Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Ausland? - Überlegungen zur »Konzern-Initiative« -
Patrick Warto: Die Haftung österreichischer Unternehmen für Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Ausland -
Rüdiger Krause: Corporate Social Responsibility und Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung: zwei Welten? -
JanineWendt: Corporate Social Responsibility: Anreizmechanismus Vergütung -
Karin Müller: Corporate Social Responsibility: Politisches Engagement von Unternehmen