Hendrik Klinge

Das Gebot und das Gute

Theologische Metaethik im Zeitalter des Pluralismus
[The Commandment and the Good. Theological Metaethics in the Age of Pluralism.]
2024. XIII, 571 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162803-0
Published in German.
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  • forthcoming
  • 978-3-16-162803-0
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What is the good? What does it mean that an action is obligatory? Metaethics clarifies the preconditions for all ethical judgments. Hendrik Klinge discusses various approaches to metaethics from a theological point of view. He presents a framework for theological metaethics that takes particular account of the importance of religious pluralism.

Religion in Philosophy and Theology (RPT)