Caroline Sophie Rapatz

Das Internationale Privatrecht der EU - Vorbild oder Vormacht?

Abgrenzungen und Wirkungen im Verhältnis zum nationalen und völkerrechtlichen Kollisionsrecht
[European Union Private International Law - Role Model or Hegemony? Delimitations and Effects in Relation to National and International Conflict of Laws.]
2023. XXVI, 693 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162460-5
Published in German.
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Europeanisation has led to far-reaching consequences for national as well as treaty-based conflict of laws. With the effects of the EU's private international law regulations going far beyond their scope of application, other regulatory levels are left with little room for manoeuvre. A reorientation of the multi-level system towards a sustainable overall concept is therefore imperative.

Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht (BtrIPR)