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Zbyněk Garský

Das Wirken Jesu in Galiläa bei Johannes

Eine strukturale Analyse der Intertextualität des vierten Evangeliums mit den Synoptikern
[The Ministry of Jesus in Galilee in the Gospel of John. A Structural Analysis of the Intertextuality of the Fourth Gospel with the Synoptics.]
2012. XIX, 370 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-152143-0
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-152143-0
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The relationship of John's Gospel to the Synoptics has been one of the major problems of gospel exegesis since Origen. Today, after the dissolution of the consensus which has ruled in biblical studies since P. Gardner-Smith, this relationship is in need of redefinition, to which the author of this book wishes to contribute. Zbynĕk Garský analyzes the intertextuality of the Fourth Gospel with the Synoptics by using new methods of text linguistics and by showing through the example of Jesus' ministry in Galilee in the Gospel of John that the solution of this issue by Origen in fact corresponds to John's intention. The fourth evangelist is a careful exegete of the Synoptics and wrote his gospel in a literary dialogue with the three older gospels, which he rereads allegorically. This kind of intertextual writing can be described as »intertextual irony,« a term established by U. Eco, a well-known phenomenon since antiquity which characterizes the allegory and allegorizing.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe (WUNT II)