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Der apokryphe Briefwechsel zwischen Seneca und Paulus
Zusammen mit dem Brief des Mordechai an Alexander und dem Brief des Annaeus Seneca über Hochmut und Götterbilder
Edited by Alfons Fürst, Therese Fuhrer, Folker Siegert and Peter Walter
[The Apocryphal Correspondence between Seneca and Paul. Including Mordechai's Letter to Alexander and Annaeus Seneca's Letter on Pride and Idols.]
2006. X, 215 pages. Sponsored by:
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen
Published in German.
In the second half of the fourth century, an unknown author created a correspondence between Seneca and Paul. This book contains a new German translation of these letters based on the current critical edition. Furthermore, two documents which are less well known but sometimes discussed in connection with these letters are presented.