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Der Gleichbehandlungsgrundsatz im Gesellschaftsrecht
Verhandlungen der Fachgruppe für vergleichendes Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht anlässlich der 37. Tagung für Rechtsvergleichung vom 19. bis 21. September 2019 in Greifswald
Edited by Peter Jung
[The Principle of Equal Shareholder Treatment. Proceedings of the Working Group on Comparative Commercial and Economic Law on the Occasion of the Thirty-Seventh Conference for Comparative Law Held from September 19 to 21, 2019 in Greifswald.]
2021. VII, 176 pages. Published in German.
Equal treatment of shareholders is one of the main principles of company law. The conference volume presented here illustrates this not only through individual reports on English, French, Lithuanian, Swiss, and US-American law, but also with a general report that takes a comparative legal view of these and other legal systems.