
Hedwig Suwelack

Der »Herzmahner« als spätmittelalterliche Gebetserzählung

[The Herzmahner as a Late Medieval Prayer Narrative.]

134,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-160880-3
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Published in German.
Hedwig Suwelack places the Herzmahner, a prayer book printed by Kaspar Hochfeder in Nuremberg around 1497, at the centre of this study. Taking historical and literary backgrounds into consideration, she captures the Herzmahner's specific approach between prayer and narrative with the term »Gebetserzählung.«
Hedwig Suwelack places the Herzmahner, a prayer book printed by Kaspar Hochfeder in Nuremberg around 1497, at the centre of this study. Taking historical and literary backgrounds into consideration, she captures the Herzmahner's specific approach between prayer and narrative with the term »Gebetserzählung.« In the construction of space and time as narrative elements, a strategy is traced that brings the narrated events close to the recipients and enables them to individually experience the Passion of Christ.
A transcript of the text is included.

Hedwig Suwelack Geboren 1984; Studium der Germanistik, der kath. Theologie und der Mathematik (Nebenfach); 2012–15 Promotionsstipendium des Cusanuswerks; 2013–19 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Leipzig (Philologische Fakultät/Ältere deutsche Literatur); 2019 Promotion; 2019–21 Bibliotheksreferendariat an der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin; seit 2021 Leiterin der Martinus-Bibliothek in Mainz.


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