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Maren Katharina Bode

Der IWF im Wandel - Rückkehr zu einem neuen System

Der Umgang des Internationalen Währungsfonds mit zukünftigen Finanz- und Währungskrisen
[Change in the International Monetary Fund - Return to a New System. Dealing with Future Financial and Currency Crises.]
2017. XXXVI, 427 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-155212-0
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-155212-0
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The IMF's handling of past, present and future financial and currency crises are dealt with from legal and economic perspectives by Maren Katharina Bode in this volume. Subjecting her topic to full and wide-ranging scrutiny, the author sets out how potential future crises could be managed. Reworking the IMF's past conduct, the author classifies it according to various roles, analysing and evaluating these procedures in the face of the criticism that was levelled at them. Targeting which of the IMF's reactions were appropriate, she recommends the »return« to a new system.

Jus Internationale et Europaeum (JusIntEu)