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Der Neü Layenspiegel von Ulrich Tengler

Das deutschsprachige Augsburger Rechtsbuch zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit Europas
Edited by Christoph Becker, Thomas M. J. Möllers and Klaus Wolf
[Ulrich Tengler's Neü Layenspiegel. The German-Language Augsburg Law Book between Europe's Middle Ages and the Modern Era.]
2025. IX, 652 pages.
forthcoming in May 2025
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • forthcoming
  • 978-3-16-164138-1
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The Laienspiegel was one of the first comprehensive law books to be written in German. For over a century, it influenced the development of law in the German-speaking world. What were the consequences of this for legal practice at the time? The present volume takes an interdisciplinary look at this question from the perspective of legal history, Germanic studies and the history of art.