The anthropological concepts that emerged in ancient philosophies have one thing in common: the νοῦς (gr. »mind«/»spirit«) plays a central role. The contributions of an international symposium in Zurich trace the term and its usage in a wide range of texts and phrase implications for the anthropology of Paul.
What is it that characterizes the human being? Is it the composition of somatic and psychic parts? Is it the mutual interaction of both? Or is it the cognitive ability of humans, self-reflection and self-awareness? Are humans mainly reason-driven, or are their actions rather guided by instincts? The issue of the meaning of νοῦς (
nous, gr. »mind«/»spirit«) in Antiquity and its anthropological implications leads straight to fundamental issues of contemporary anthropological discourses. In the present volume, philologists and theologians enter an interdisciplinary encounter. The central relevance of the term νοῦς, which has so far received little attention in Pauline exegesis, becomes evident in the various intellectual milieus around the New Testament.
Table of contents:
Jörg Frey: Vorwort
I. Paulus
Manuel Nägele: Der
Nous bei Paulus - Probleme und offene Fragen der Forschung -
Troels Engberg-Pedersen: Pauline Epistemology:
Nous and
Pneuma in Stoicism and Paul -
Andrew Bowden: Specific Vices as Manifestations of 'Desire'' which Arise in the 'Mind:' Reassessing the Vice Lists in Rom 1:24-31 and Rom 13:13-14
II. Griechisch-römische Horizonte
Martin Hose: Νοῦς in der frühgriechischen Dichtung und im griechischen Drama -
Christoph Riedweg: Facetten des
Nous in der platonischen Anthropologie -
Clare K. Rothschild: Editorial Hermeneutics and Galen's
De indolentia
III. Frühjüdische Horizonte
Beatrice Wyss: Philon aus Alexandreia: Was ist des Menschen Geist, dass du seiner gedenkst? -
Jan Willem van Henten: The Use of Νοῦς in Flavius Josephus -
Petra von Gemünden: Der λογισμός und die Affektkontrolle im 4. Makkabäerbuch
IV. Frühchristliche Rezeptionsformen
Annette Weissenrieder: Die »Augen des Denkens«: Wege der Gotteserkenntnis im Epheserbrief -
Ekaterina Matusova: The Anthropological
Logos in 1 Thess 2:13 and Heb 4:12 and its Exegetical Context -
Thomas J. Kraus: »Körper«, »Fleisch«, »Seele« und »Geist« in der
Apokalypse des Paulus/Visio Pauli: Was ist der Mensch? -
Jan N. Bremmer: Body and Soul in the Pre-Valerian Christian Martyr Acts -
Ilaria L. E. Ramelli: The Reception of Paul's
Nous in the Christian Platonism of Origen and Evagrius