Rouven Eichten

Der oHG-Anteil im Spannungsfeld von Erb- und Gesellschaftsrecht

Zur erbrechtlichen Mit- und Fremdverwaltung eines von Todes wegen erworbenen oHG-Anteils
[The General Partnership Share in the Field of Tension between Inheritance and Company Laws. On the Joint and Third-Party Administration of Shares in Cases of Succession.]
2020. XXVII, 480 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-159215-7
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-159215-7
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For well over a century, established legal doctrine has been trying to apply inheritance law as it is set out in the German Civil Code to cases involving the inheritance of shares from oHG - offene Handelsgesellschaft - partnerships. Rouven Eichten assesses the situation and comes up with a new system better suited to the existing legal framework.

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