Andreas Witte

Der pacta-tertiis-Grundsatz im Völkerrecht

Scheinbare und tatsächliche Ausnahmen
[The Principle of Pacta Tertiis in Public International Law. Apparent and Actual Exceptions.]
2019. XXIII, 285 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-157670-6
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-157670-6
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The principle of pacta tertiis, according to which treaties do not establish rights or obligations for third parties without their consent, is regarded as one of the foundations of public international law. Andreas Witte looks into the possible existence of exceptions to this rule and, using case studies and occasional analogies to private law, casts a new light on these.

Jus Internationale et Europaeum (JusIntEu)