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Eckart Bueren
Der Rechnungsschock: Hinweispflichten im Bürgerlichen Recht und ihre Grenzen
Rechtsdogmatik, Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtsökonomik
[Bill Shock: Notification Obligations and their Limits - A Doctrinal, Comparative, and Economic Analysis.]
2018. XV, 182 pages. Published in German.
The rapid advances in mobile communication and mobile internet services often lead to users no longer being able to control the technology - or their tariffs - as desired. The result can be a »bill shock«, the receipt of a bill for an unexpectedly large amount. Eckart Bueren systematizes the relevant German law and analyses the legal system's response particularly in the field of civil law. His inquiry details the approach of the German Federal Court, critically examining the case law not only from a doctrinal perspective but also scrutinizing it under both a law-and-economics and a comparative lens (taking Austria, France, Switzerland, and the USA as examples). Finally, he points to alternative solutions in German civil law.