Joshua Moir

Der Schulfrieden als Schranke der Religionsfreiheit

Eine Untersuchung zum Schutz der Religionsausübung und der Bedeutung staatlicher Funktionsinteressen in der Schule
[School Peace as a Barrier to Religious Freedom. An Investigation into Protecting Religious Practice and the Significance of Functional Interests of the State in Schools.]
2022. XVIII, 298 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161776-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-161776-8
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School peace (“Schulfrieden") is an established term in German constitutional and administrative law. In situations of religious conflicts in schools, it is cited as a protected good in order to limit civil liberties such as freedom of religion. Joshua Moir examines what the good is actually supposed to protect and whether it can be located in Germany's Basic Law.

Jus Ecclesiasticum (JusEccl)