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Ulrich Amelung
Der Schutz der Privatheit im Zivilrecht
Schadenersatz und Gewinnabschöpfung bei Verletzung des Rechts auf Selbstbestimmung über personenbezogene Informationen im deutschen, englischen und US-amerikanischen Recht
[The Protection of Privacy in Civil Law. Compensation and Skimming Off Profits in Cases of Infringements of the Right to Self-Determination regarding Personal Data in German, English and US Law. By Ulrich Amelung.]
2002. XXIV, 381 pages. Published in German.
The right to privacy is a fundamental constituent of personal freedom and autonomy. However the substance of this right as well as its relationship to other personal interests, such as reputation or personal identity, have not yet been defined. Analyzing German, American and English law, which has only recently recognized the right to privacy by incorporating the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms into its own law, the author develops a modern approach to privacy based on the notion of »informational self-determination«. Recognizing the fact that personal information has become a valuable commodity in modern society, the author also discusses possible remedial consequences of an infringement of the right to privacy.