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Katharina Leusch
Die Abkehr von der vor-rechtsstaatlichen Vergangenheit der DDR
Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Parteiengesetzes der DDR und der Unabhängigen Kommission zur Überprüfung des Vermögens der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR
[Turning Away from the GDR's Pre-constitutional Past. An Investigation Based on the German Democratic Republic's Political Party Act and its Independent Commission for the Examination of Party Assets and Mass Organisations.]
2024. XXX, 350 pages. Published in German.
Katharina Leusch examines the transition phase of the GDR in the autumn and winter of 1989/90 based on its law for political parties and the Central Round Table. However, the law did not become obsolete after the peaceful revolution but remained relevant for the work of an independent commission set up to investigate party assets and mass organisations.