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Christiane Brors
Die Abschaffung der Fürsorgepflicht
Versuch einer vertragstheoretischen Neubegründung der Nebenpflichten des Arbeitgebers
[The Abolition of the Duty to Give Assistance. New Grounds for the Employer's Collateral Duty as seen from the Standpoint of the Theory of Contract. By Christiane Brors.]
2002. XIV, 271 pages. Published in German.
Christiane Brors examines the employer's general duty to provide social and medical assistance. She dismisses this as an empty phrase and replaces it with a model drawn up in accordance with the theory of contract. This model takes the actual economic functions and conditions of the contract of employment into consideration and explains the boundaries within which legal decisions are allowed to deal with the employer's expectations and to make them law.