Christopher Michael Davis

Die »dienende« Rundfunkfreiheit im Zeitalter der sozialen Vernetzung

Zum Erfordernis einer Neuordnung der Rundfunkverfassung am Beispiel der Sozialen Medien
[The Public Service Aspect of Broadcasting Freedom in the Age of Social Networks. Social Media and the Consequent Need to Update Federal Broadcasting Law.]
2019. XXV, 380 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-158234-9
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-158234-9
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The broadcasting jurisdiction of the Federal Constitutional Court has always differed from classical legal doctrine because the freedom anchored in the second sentence of Germany's Grundgesetz Article 5 (1) is understood as a serving freedom. But with social media having made broadcasters of us all, Christopher Davis shows that it is time to discard this understanding. This would - without turning broadcasting legislation completely on its head - allow the legislator considerable leeway to overcome media regulation challenges.

Schriften zum Medienrecht und Kommunikationsrecht (SMKR)