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Joachim Distel

Die Errichtung des westdeutschen Zentralbanksystems mit der Bank deutscher Länder

[The Establishment of the West German Central Bank System with the Bank of the German Länder.]
2003. XVIII, 254 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-160373-0
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-160373-0
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Joachim Distel deals with the decentralization of the German Reichsbank after the Second World War. He examines the opposing views on this held by the American and the British occupying powers, and outlines the compromise made between the two powers which resulted in the establishment of a decentralized Länder Central Bank system with the Bank of the German Länder as its head office.

Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts (BtrRG)