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Sebastian Rosentritt

Die Gefahrtragung im europäischen und internationalen Kaufrecht

CISG, INCO-Terms, Vorschlag für ein Gemeinsames Europäisches Kaufrecht, Verbraucherrechterichtlinie und deutsches Recht in vergleichender Perspektive
[Risk of Loss in European and International Sale of Goods Law. A Comparative Study on CISG and INCO-Terms, the Proposal for a Common European Law, Consumer Protection Guidelines and German Law.]
2018. XXIII, 343 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-155802-3
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Who bears the economic risk of accidental loss or damage of goods once a sales contract has been concluded? Can the buyer still demand delivery and must they pay the purchase price? Sebastian Rosentritt pursues these classic law of obligations questions from a comparative perspective and by taking international trade practice into consideration.

Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht (StudIPR)