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Roland Deines
Die Gerechtigkeit der Tora im Reich des Messias
Mt 5,13-20 als Schlüsseltext der matthäischen Theologie
[The Righteousness of the Torah in the Kingdom of the Messiah. Mt 5:13-20 as a Key Text in Matthean Theology.]
2005. XVII, 746 pages. Published in German.
Roland Deines demonstrates the Matthean understanding of the new place and function of the Torah in the kingdom of the Messiah through a detailed exegesis of the crucial text Matthew 5:13-20 in the context of the whole gospel. It becomes clear that Matthew is not the advocate of a law-abiding community but a theologian with a genuine profile who is able to show that the new message of Jesus signifies a transformation and not a straight continuation or a nullification of the biblical writings regarded as »law and prophets«.