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Bernd Sandmann
Die Haftung von Arbeitnehmern, Geschäftsführern und leitenden Angestellten
Zugleich ein Beitrag zu den Grundprinzipien der Haftung und Haftungsprivilegierung
[The Liability of Employees, Managing Directors and Members of the Executive Staff. The Fundamental Principles of Liability and its Limitations. By Bernd Sandmann.]
2001. XXVII, 645 pages. Published in German.
The author has created fundamental principles for limiting employees' liability, basing these on German law. He extends these principles to include the responsibility of managing directors in private German companies. These fundamental principles are then used to explain why managing directors are not given the same limited liability as employees. The liability of the managing director is only limited when the damages are restricted to the responsibility of the company. The author has developed criteria for defining these areas of responsibility pertaining to the company and those pertaining to the managing director, and extends these definitions of responsibility pertaining to employees and managing directors to determine the hitherto hardly investigated liabilities of members of the executive staff.